Training and Capacity Building

Our Training and Capacity Building services strengthen the capabilities of individuals and organizations for optimum performance and holistic living in the field of Mental Health and Emotional Well-being. Our training modules are customizable for our potential organizations and institutions, as per the need and the objective at the given hour.

The following training modules are for institutions and organizations:

Mind Watchers

The module is put in place with a vision to create empathetic workplaces. It includes training models for the HR departments. It does so by building skills in them to recognize early signs of stress among employees; helping them learn strategies of dealing with a distressed employee, and the foremost basics of de-stressing a workplace.

Counseling Skills

We help institutions and organizations recognize the signs and symptoms of individuals who might not be feeling their best self. This training helps them with various techniques to deal better with their issues and problems.

Training media professionals on Mental Health

Compassion and empathy are the takeaways via this training. It is developed to sensitize media professionals towards the concept of Mental Health to help foster a stigma-free society, through an interface of media and mental health.

Training school counselors for behavior management of children and adolescents

Training school counselors is a first step to providing a healthy & balanced life to children and adolescents. The training consists of different areas relating to behavior management, role and impact of media and more, and help them be equipped to deal with those recurring problems.

Contact us if this service suits your requirement. Customization is available as per the need.

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