Our Work

The experts at Better Minds have worked across the globe in the Mental Health & Emotional Wellbeing realm with each having an experience of 30+ years. Their work is to solely focus on empowering individuals to utilize their mind to its maximum potential to positively impact the Mental Health and Emotional Well-Being.

Stress Management


Mental Health Awareness

Counseling Skills

Media and Mental Health

Behavioral Problems in Children

Adolescent Issues and Problems

Healthy Ageing



Substance Abuse

Trauma Management

Stress Management

The Team at Better Minds has conducted workshops and trainings on Stress Management and in areas related to it. They have conducted these sessions with:

Apart from these, the Team has given numerous lectures on the topic at institutes and organizations such as Public Health Foundation of India, A.G. Industries etc.


Covering a wide range of topics in the field of Psycho-spirituality, the Team at Better Minds has conducted numerous workshops and training, given several lectures and presentations across India and the world. The varied topics covered under Psycho-spirituality include:

Mental Health Awareness

Building awareness around Mental Health and creating positive conversations around it is one of the major areas where the Team of Better Minds works. The various training, workshops and lectures given by the Team, in the field of Mental Health Awareness, are as follows:

Counseling Skills

The Team at Better Minds has conducted regular training programs and workshops for providing different groups of people with Counseling Skills. Some of these programs have been conducted in capacity of Expert Faculty for institutions such as National Institute of Public Cooperation and Child Development (NIPCCD), National Institute of Social Defense (NISD), etc. The groups covered as part of these programs include:

Media and Mental Health

Media and Mental Health are related and dependent on each other in ways more than one. On one hand, Media highly affects the Mental Health of an individual, and on the other hand, Media-centric strategies can be used for mental health awareness, stigma reduction and early intervention. Under this domain, the Team at Better Minds has conducted workshops and given lectures on the following:

Behavioral Problems in Children

The Team at Better Minds has been conducting regular training programs and workshops with institutions, specifically schools, in the area of Behavioral Problems in Children, focusing on the following groups of people:

Adolescent Issues and Problems

Adolescence is a period of rapid growth and change in an individual’s life. While coping up with these changes, adolescents might go through certain problems in their life. The Team at Better Minds has conducted workshops for school children, teachers and parents in the area of Adolescent Issues and Problems, in different schools of Delhi-NCR, focusing on the following aspects:

Apart from these, the Team has conducted the ‘Caring for your Mind’ workshop with carers and social workers working with Adolescents and HIV positive patients at PUSH (Persevere Until Something Happens), an International NGO, in Soweto, Johannesburg, South Africa.

Healthy Ageing

The Team at Better Minds has conducted training programs and workshops in the area of Healthy Ageing, so as to promote the ideology of caring for one’s mind and body to keep oneself active and fit throughout their life. The following have participated in the training programs and workshops conducted by the Team:


Healthy relationships can be a driving force for individuals to lead a fulfilled life. But, relationships can be complex and delicate in nature. Some skills are essential to be learned to bring out the best in every relationship. The Team of Better Minds has conducted workshops and given lectures in the area of Relationships, which are as follows:


Every parent wants to do the best for their child – give them the best facilities, send them to the best school, feed them the best food and overall, raise them in the best way possible. This process often comes with responsibilities and confusion for the parents. The team at Better Minds has conducted workshops on Parenting issues as well as the skills needed by parents to deal with the issues. Some of the institutions and organizations where the workshops have been conducted are:

Substance Abuse

Substance Abuse and Addiction is a mental illness where a person gets addicted to a substance due to over-usage or misuse of the substance. There are many legal, illegal and prescriptive substances to which a person can get addicted. This problem is prevalent across the world, age groups, gender and ethnicities. The Team at Better Minds has been involved in the following sessions: 

Trauma Management

Traumatic events can affect anyone. These events can be natural or manmade – like accidents, violence and torture. It can devastate, terrify and even threaten one’s life. It affects the person going through it as well as the people around them – their family, friends and sometimes the entire society. The Team at Better Minds has conducted the following training programs and workshops in the area of Trauma Management: